FSW leverages Cold Chain Monitoring with blockchain technology that for instance can trigger alerts if cold storage temp diverge from agreements. Alerts will trigger to everyone in blockchain to correct the situation. This technology is also included in FSW TMS (Transportation Management System).
Warehouse Management System
Cold Chain Monitoring
Optimization in Warehouse Management and Logistics management are equal in our eyes at FSW. High cost in man hours and other resources are replaced with some WMS features audit approved cycle counting through lot management technology which equals no physical count.
High cost in man-hours and other resources are replaced with some WMS features like audit approved cycle counting. and lot management technology which equals no physical count.
Cross Docking
If delivery performance is a KPI for your operations FSW can help with Cross Docking which allows yours cargo to be uninterrupted through to delivery.
Decrease Driver Wait Time
Decrease driver wait at the dock by over 90% with dock management tools. Our dock management is aligned with warehouse and transportation to give drivers more ELD(Electronic Logging Device) drive time in addition to less trucks idling which is great for emissions control.